Consistency Is Actually Very Sexy – Who Knew!?

The title says it all. On a previous episode of this blog and this YouTube video, I lamented about how I felt like my 2024 was a failure (gently whispers: I am NOT a failure in Jesus Name). I had to come clean to me.

Me to me: Renny, you really fell your own hand.

Me responding to me: I know, I know, but I will make it up to us *cue dramatic tears*

Well, ladies/gentlemen/others in between, I just want to report that my September is not a failure!


Oh yes. Your girl has risen like a phoenix from the ashes.

Snoozing alarm? Not around here partner

Skipping workouts? You girl is attending Barre, even through the pain (check out my painful Barre experience here)

Content creation? Call me Shonda Rhimes because the content is churning like Shonda Night on ABC in 2016 (IYKYK!)

And my content is reaching new audiences everyday. I now have a significant number of white women following me… talk about diversity LOL.

I have retained my rightful place of 80K followers on IG (IG wanted to disgrace me by reducing me to 79.9K. One day we must discuss why these platforms “punish” you for taking a little break).

My creative juices are flowing.

I have been killing it and it feels absolutely sexy. I feel so attractive; not because the workouts are kicking in; but because it feels so good to know that you are not letting yourself down. It feels amazing to see the small results of the little efforts of consistency that you are putting in.

This moment reminds me of report card season in primary school. As an overachiever, I used to gallantly awaiting my report card because I just knew that I would be able to stride into the house with my chest puffed out. Every time, my mother would squeal at each “A” I got or my position in class (always being 1st or 2nd), my prideful smirk would grow wider and wider.

As I type this, I am wearing a very wide and prideful smirk. I was determined to redeem my 2024 and I am happy to report that it is happening. So what changes have I made to make this happen?

  • Stick to your bedtime and actively tuck yourself to sleep: This right here is paramount to your consistency journey. All those days of suggestive bedtimes are gone. My night routine starts at 9:15PM and my phone is set on DND. Wahala for whoever is in dire need at that time; call on the Lord for help. Not me.
  • Get you a paper planner: Woe to solely relying on Google calendar! There is nothing more gangsta than passionately checking off something you planned for the day in your planner. NOTHING.
  • Be specific about your weekly and daily plans: All of those vague plans are things of the past. My plans for a day look something like this: 7-8AM Barre Class, 8:15-9AM Shower and Get ready etc.
  • Be realistic about what you can do: I stopped lying to myself that I can do it all. I, IN FACT, can not even do it all. I ain’t every woman, it is NOT in me.
  • Create incentives to complete your tasks: The reward I give myself for completing each task is 15 minutes on TikTok. LOL. That way I can make sure that I am not doom-scrolling and I still get to enjoy content consumption.

In essence, treat yourself like a child again. You remember that thing called childhood? I don’t know about you, but mine included a detailed timetable for activities and food, daily accountability checks to make sure I am doing what I said I would do (as in my mother giving strong looks with each instruction), nap time, and a treat each time you went above and beyond. It turns out that those psychologists are right…it’s all about that inner child baby.

In the spirit of consistency, I hope to see you again.



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