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Browsing Tag: Content creation

Consistency Is Actually Very Sexy – Who Knew!?

The title says it all. On a previous episode of this blog and this YouTube video, I lamented about how I felt like my 2024 was a failure (gently whispers: I am NOT a failure in Jesus Name). I had to come clean to me. Me to me: Renny, you really fell your own hand. Me responding to me: I know, I know, but I will make it up to us *cue dramatic tears* Well, ladies/gentlemen/others in between, I just want to report that my September is not a failure! WOHOOOOOOOOOO!! Oh yes. Your girl has risen like a phoenix from the ashes. Snoozing alarm? Not around here partner Skipping workouts? You girl is attending Barre, even through the pain (check out my painful Barre experience here) Content creation? Call me Shonda Rhimes because the content is churning like Shonda Night on ABC in 2016 (IYKYK!) And my content is …

There Are No Haters, It’s Fictional Noise

I am proud to be one of those people that will never come online to be saying I have “haters”. In fact, I even judge people that sing about their enemies and haters all day. You know the ones I am talking about. The ones subbing someone through their Instagram stories. The ones shouting “I move in silence” every day to let us know they are discreet about a “big” reveal that is coming. Those ones. I may laugh at them, but I am not that different. (The main difference is that you will never ever ever catch me shouting about imaginary haters online sha. That one is a special type of madness. Sorry if it applies to you. Change today.) Ehen, what I mean by that statement is that I must admit that I tend to consider the thoughts of both real and imaginary outsiders when I make the …

Confession: 2024 Has Been a Failure to Launch

Brief reflections of a 30-something-year-old who was cruising through the year. In alignment with my RCCG upbringing, I must wish you, dearest reader, a HAPPY NEW MONTH. It has been centuries since I wrote anything substantive here, so it is only polite that I greet you properly. (It is also my Yoruba nature that demands I over-greet you.) Based on the title of the blog, you may be asking yourself these important questions: Relax, my dearies. I just decided to call a spade A SPADE. You see eh, on January 2024 I joined millions of fervent Nigerians in hot and mighty prayer to declare that “2024 is my year of breakthrough”, “2024 is my year of supernatural favor”, “2024 is my year of divine blessings” etc. (Again, shoutout to RCCG for teaching a girl how to demand things from the Lord). Now, with all the powerful casting and declaration, did …