There must come a time when certain members of the male community must admit their incessant desire to be with their true loves: Deference. Submission. Ego. Not only should they admit this, they should start wearing t-shirts that reveal their truest desires for all to see. And then when they have their assemblies, they can chant the following mantras: “Know your place” “Men need respect more than they need love”, “As a woman…..” “I am the head” “Defer to me” So you see a woman. You describe her personality as “rich”. It is this “rich” personality that draws you to said woman. In fact, you brag to your friends and family that you love how “boisterous” she is. You love that she is driven. You love that she is a go-getter. In fact, you go as far as “supporting” her endeavors. You commend her on her leadership. You commend her …